Chappaqua Commercial Real Estate | Within the Town of New Castle, Chappaqua is located in central Westchester County, approximately 30 miles north of Manhattan, and is considered one of Westchester County’s elite suburbs. Centrally located within Westchester, the hamlet has bucolic vistas, easy commuting into Manhattan and one of the best school systems in the country. Horace Greeley, Chappaqua’s high school, is ranked #24 out of 1,290 high schools in New York State. The Town of New Castle also contains maintains numerous parks and preserves, including Gedney Park, Whippoorwill Park and Burden Preserve. Although relatively small, the hamlet is nationally known as the home of Bill and Hillary Clinton. With a population of 11,772 within its 10514 zip code and a median household income exceeding $200,000, Chappaqua NY is among the highest income areas in the United States. The Town of New Castle is currently considering form-based code for its Chappaqua downtown district in order to permit higher density, mixed-use development.
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